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Richard Williamson has been a lot of things--artist, bike racer, marketing executive, reality television actor, cop, father, lacrosse coach, improv comedian, and member of a bomb squad. Despite these things, he's also always been a writer. 


Or maybe because of them. After all, when it comes to experiences, writers are pack rats. The best of them try everything once. Sometimes twice. And if it's particularly exciting, they will keep on trying. Later, hunched over their keyboards, writers dig into that hoard of experiences, pulling out juicy tidbits and facts that they can mix with the pixels and fonts on their screens to breathe life into words. 


Writers are conjurers of imagery and emotion, of meaning and sense. It doesn't matter if it's ad copy, an advertorial or a press release, great writers bring magic to words.


Okay. Truth is, it's not magic. It's just a lot of hard work. Richard has been writing professionally for a couple of decades.  Along the way, he's picked up a few national awards, a bunch of statewide and regional ones, and a slew of local honors. He's written for ad agencies, corporations, individuals, churches, and other writers. His words have appeared in newspapers, magazines, on the sides of packaging and on top of billboards. He's written slogans and headlines and blogs and letters. For a while, when he worked as a freelance reporter, he wrote a weekly newspaper column on cycling and fitness.


While he is a secret fan of the term "generalist," Richard admits he's spent a lot of time forging ad copy that makes people buy stuff. But he also writes press releases that actually GET press. And he writes blogs on business identity and branding, lacrosse, and the use of high-tech in law enforcement.


Richard Williamson is probably in front of his computer right now, so drop him an email and tell him how he can help you!  



© 2015-2019 by Richard Williamson. On a lark, created with

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