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Digital media/inbound marketing elements


The shift to electronically delivered media as had a profound impact on the marketing world. As a writer, it requires the ability to work quickly to respond to changes in the market with short turn-around times. It also means a greater volume of writing to keep up with the frequency demands of inbound marketing. The extra work and time allows businesses to keep up a constant stream of contact materials to their client bases, which in turn helps cement relationships and convert prospects into customer.




e-Newsletter (robotics)


e-Newsletter (sports group)


e-Newsletter (robotics)


Product Announcements


Product Announcement (high tech)


Product Announcement


Customer Communications teasers


"Big city problems" full page product ad (law enforcement)


"Thirty seconds" (benefits-oriented ad)


"Immediate satisfaction" full page ad (tech)


"The same view" full page ad (LE tech) 






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