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A good slogan is a like verbal logo. It's memorable and it sticks with consumers. A slogan will define a business philosophically, conceptually, operationally--unforgettably.


Slogans work. Consumers repeat them. Good ones become part of everyday speech. While a logo can grab consumers' attention while out shopping, a powerful slogan or tagline will go home with them. 


Slogans require a bit of explanation and context. So, below you will find taglines and the world they live in. 



“Where innovation meets affordability"

Client type: Robotics company

Client: Lithos Robotics, NY

Slogan/tagline type: Identity


The robotics field is highly competitive—and very expensive. This client wanted to differentiate itself as innovators but also as a cost-effective alternative to the Fortune 100 defense contractors who were their competitors.



"Business is in our nature"

Client type: Government economic development office

Client: Economic Development Office of Lee County, FL

Slogan/tagline type: Identity


Southwest Florida is a place better known for its blue water than its blue chips. So the message of "industry and commerce is welcome here" went mostly unheard by investors and businesspeople outside the area. Previous attempts at linking the commercial with the natural served only to point up distinctions between them. The theme "Business is in our nature" was the solution. The tag line dominates the giant welcome board at the Southwest Florida International Airport, was the featured on all Economic Development Office publications, and has spawned a series of copycat slogans. The sincerest form of flattery helps reinforce the original message.



"We know the frame game"

Client type: Retailer/specialty shop

Client: Downtown Framing and Art, FL 

Slogan/tagline type: Service


Downtown Framing and Art's first ad campaign featured games and puzzles. The ads proved popular and the theme line in them became the short, playful, rhyming tagline.



"Business never looked so good"

Client type: Marketing firm

Client: Tuesday Nite Marketing and Media, FL

Slogan/tagline type: service


Tuesday Nite Marketing & Media specializes in corporate identity creation. This uses a classic slogan technique of double or implied meaning. The slogan promises both aesthetic good looks and positive forecasts for success.



"Building strong links for children in need"

Client type: Public-private child welfare organization

Client: Children's Network, FL

Slogan/tagline type: Identity


The Children's Network replaced many functions of an unwieldy state organization, promising many of it's functions to be delivered or accessed online. Tying the idea of web links to more traditional social services links effectively integrated both old and new methods of child welfare support systems.



"Empowering People to Empower Others"

Client type: University degree program

Client: Department of Social Work

             Florida Gulf Coast University

Slogan/tagline type: Service/Identity


Personal empowerment is an "buzz phrase" in social services. The Department of Social Work at FGCU felt it was necessary not only to acknowledge a philosophical norm of their profession, but also to imply that the department is a resource for teaching methodologies consistent with professional models.



"Rethinking Golf"

Client type: Golf club manufacturer and designer

Client: Albert Holtz Golf Design, CT

Slogan/tagline type: Identity


Golf is a thinking man's (and woman's) sport. It is also laden with traditions, not only from a player's standpoint. Manufacturers, too, have their own set of "rules" on how things are done. Albert Holtz Golf Design took a truly different approach to club design with an innovative line of metal woods and irons. The company wanted its tagline to express its viewpoint on the game, interest in change, and novel approach to problem-solving.



"It pays to be flexible"

Client type: Golf club manufacturer and designer

Client: Albert Holtz Golf Design, CT

Product: BullWhip Multi-flex Shafts

Slogan/tagline type: Product


BullWhip Multi-flex Shafts are built on a principle that is counter to much of the conventional wisdom of the golf industry. Stiffer shafts, they say, equal a more powerful drive. So ingrained is this idea to some people that they are inflexible in their opinions. The implied meaning couples with the factual meaning (BullWhip shafts actually do flex like a whip when swung) combine to suggest that one's opinions can bend without breaking--improving golf scores at the same time.



"Keep your head on straight"

Client type: Golf club manufacturer and designer

Client: Albert Holtz Golf Design, CT

Product: Truejectory metal woods

Slogan/tagline type:


A large percentage of bad golf shots arise from misalignment of the club head with the ball on impact. TrueJectory metal woods were designed to rebound into their original alignment during the downswing. Keeping one's head on straight merges the literal meaning with the old saying, making a fun and memorable double meaning.



"Today's learner. Tomorrow's leader."

Client type: Not-for-profit high school leadership program

Client: Lessons in Leadership, FL

Slogan/tagline type: Identity/Service


The concept of before and after is a common one in advertising. The slogan states that the schoolchildren we teach today will someday be the leaders we follow.



"Where personal service is still in style"

Client type: Bank

Client: Edison National Bank, FL

Slogan/tagline type: Identity/Service


Banks are more often "impersonal" and "huge" than "small" and "accessible." This slogan is a differentiator that pulls a lot of business to a neighborhood-style bank.



"Ride the wave of change"

Client type: Clothing manufacturer

Client: Surf Constitution, FL and SE US

Product: Surf Constitution Clothes for Ripping

Slogan/tagline type: Product/Identity


Surf Constitution is a young, aggressive startup that is working to make a name for itself in the competitive and edgy world of surf and beach apparel. The wave of change refers not only to the new clothes but also the anti-establishment attitude that is a part of the surf community.



"The art and science of wellness"

Client type: University professional program

Client: Department of Physical Therapy

             Florida Gulf Coast University

Slogan/tagline type: Identity


Physical therapy is usually thought of as a rehabilitative discipline. This client wanted to stress the preventative "wellness" concept in conjunction with the science-based aspect. A good PT is more like an artist than a clinician!



"More than just a night out"

Client type: Restaurant/night club

Client: The Supper Club Restaurant and Night Club, NY

Slogan/tagline type: Identity


Many restaurants are just places to eat. Many night clubs are just places to dance. The Supper Club was both, and their slogan resonated especially well with college students looking for a sophisticated place to go out and with parents looking for a "one-stop shopping" place to get out on date night. 



"Adding more to life"

Client type: Supplement manufacturer and retailer

Client: Carotec, Inc., Nationwide

Slogan/tagline type: Product/identity


The whole concept behind supplementsis that they are extra items added to a regular diet. Carotec's slogan promises not only of extra but also better and more complete. It states the obvious while expressing quietly that Carotec supplements add a great deal to more to life than just nutrients.



"Life is a trip. You drive." 

Client type: Vocational educational initiative

Client: Workforce Development Council, State of Florida

Slogan/tagline type: Program Identity


This slogan is for a program that supports and encourages high school students to choose a vocational path for their education. Students are in command of their choices and the direction of their working life.



"A quick and painless end to high cost financing" 

Client type: Specialty mortgage broker

Client: Mortgage Killer, NY

Slogan/tagline type: Service/Identity


Sometimes, stating what a product or service is at its core is the best way to make a tagline. Mortgage Killer offered a method of reducing long-term payment structures.



"It's a big world. So it needs a bigger box." 

Client type: Retailer/specialty shop

Client: Shipping World, NC

Slogan/tagline type: Identity/service


Humor is a risky element in advertising because you never know if what you think is funny really is. Shipping World took a chance on a funny slogan. It made customers laugh and led to visual puns in advertising, effectively reinforcing the message.



"Do a good turn."

Help make a rough road a little smoother."

Client type: Charity

Client: United Way, FL

Slogan/tagline type: Campaign Slogan


"Do a good turn" is a fitting term to use to implore someone to donate their time or money to a good cause. This slogan was combined with a road sign logo that echoed the driving/roadway theme.





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